
Top tips for young people

  • Be patient with people. It may take time for others to learn a new name and pronouns, for some it might not be a process of unlearning your old name and the muscle memory of calling you your birth name.
  • Remember intent. Is the person intending to deadname you or are they making an innocent mistake?
  • If someone gets it wrong, correct them and move on.
  • If you change your name at school/college and haven't done a deed poll, your birth name will still need to be used on legal documents such as exam papers, exam certificates.
  • To legally change your name you must do a deed poll
  • Parents don't need to be informed of you changing your name at school- usually on the school system its changed to known as name or nickname.

If you have issues with name changes at school or college, please ask for some support from Brunswick or show them this webpage.