We provide support to people living with HIV and to their carers across Kirklees and Calderdale. The type and level of support we offer will very much depend on what your needs are. You may already be very clear about what you need support with. Alternatively, we can offer you the opportunity to complete a needs assessment during which we can assist you to establish what your support needs are and then develop an action plan with you, which we will review regularly together. Our support will be strengths-based and we will work with you towards greater self-management of your continued HIV health and well-being.
We accept referrals direct from people or from professionals. Please use our online, confidential and data protected, referral link below
If you are trying to self-refer and prefer to talk to us, please contact us.
What is HIV?
HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a virus that damages the cells in a person’s immune system and weakens the body’s ability to fight everyday infections and disease.
Find Out MoreHIV stigma
Ever since the first cases of AIDS in the early 1980s, people with HIV have been stigmatised. Find out more.
Find Out MoreHealth and Wellbeing
We offer themed wellbeing workshops; dance, yoga and fitness classes; run a regular walking group; and have our own allotment. Find out more.
Find Out MoreNutrition and Dietetic Support
We offer a nutrition and dietetic service at the Brunswick Centre for anyone living with HIV. Our registered dietitian has years of experience of working with adults, children and families living with HIV both in the UK and South Africa.
Find Out MoreBenefits and Welfare Rights
We have a dedicated specialist worker, Chris Saxon, who provides welfare benefits advice and support to residents of Kirklees and Calderdale who are living with HIV and to their carers. Find out more.
Find Out MoreHardship Support
The HIV Support team are aware of the financial hardship and poverty many people with HIV face and how this can have a detrimental effect on health and wellbeing.
Find Out MoreOne-to-One Support
We have found that many people living with HIV have felt unable to disclose their status to others, whether family, friends or other professionals. As a consequence, this can leave people feeling isolated; it can be useful to have a safe and confidential space to air thoughts and feelings and discuss particular problems that arise from being HIV positive and ways of dealing with them. Our workers can offer emotional support as well as helping to reflect on options available to problems that people may raise.
Our one-to-one support can range from a one-off session to a series of regular sessions over a period of time, which we will regularly discuss and review with you.
"Thanks so much for your support last week; I was feeling so low and distraught and ready to give up. After visiting the Brunswick Centre, it renewed my motivation to keep going"
Service user
Advocacy and Signposting
Staff within the HIV Support team will be happy to advocate with or on behalf of service users, subject to need. This can be of use to service users who are finding it difficult to approach another service or who are not getting what they need from a particular service.
Moreover, the team is well networked with other services, organisations and professionals and can signpost or refer service users to services that are more appropriate to their needs. This may include housing services, social work or other specialist health agencies, for example.
"The Brunswick is clearly providing an essential service to PLWHIV who are vulnerable and experience multiple and complex needs alongside their HIV status."
Findings from the Calderdale Health Needs Assessment for Kirklees 2021