

Helping you to make sense of your feelings and enabling you to see difficulties and challenges in a more manageable way

Counselling is an opportunity to talk with someone who is trained to listen. It can help you to make sense of your feelings and enable you to see difficulties and challenges in a more manageable way. Your counsellor is trained to listen without passing judgement or giving advice. They will help you to find your own answers and fulfil your full potential.

You may be able to access the service if you’re a resident in Calderdale or Kirklees and are:

  • HIV positive
  • A carer, partner or family member of someone who is HIV positive
  • A gay, or bisexual man, or a man who has sex with men or is attracted to men
  • A woman in a relationship with a man who has sex with or is attracted to men
  • LGBTQ+ young person aged 11-24

The Brunswick Centre can offer sessions with a qualified and experienced counsellor free of charge (you don’t have to be a registered service user).

Find out more – download the leaflet or email us (counselling@thebrunswickcentre.org.uk) or call 01484 469 691 / 01422 341 764