Your Voice Counts
We have several ways you can feed back on how you think we have done. You can email us at or call us on 01484 469 691 or 01422 341 764
- Send a text to any member of staff, mobile numbers available on the contact page
- Complete a comment card, widely available at any of our offices
- Complete and return one of our 'thumbs up/thumbs down' forms which are available from any member of staff
- Take part in evaluations of events and activities
- Use our Complaints and Compliments procedure (see here)
- Email the Chairperson of the Charity if you feel you cannot do any of the above at .
We look forward to hearing how we are doing and how we can make the service work better for you.

Please note: Any personal information you provide will not be shared, will be stored securely and destroyed after 4-months. If you text us we will not link your mobile number with our databases to ensue your privacy. You can see our Data Protection Policy here.