- When meeting a new young person / student or service user, introduce yourself with your name and pronouns. Telling someone your pronouns (even if you think it would be obvious) will help that person feel you will respect their name and pronouns
- Practice saying their name and pronouns to yourself before a meeting, this can be a good way to train your brain into getting it right
- Do not ask for someone’s deadname. Unless you are completing a legal document with that young person / student or service user, and they have not yet legally changed their name, you do not need to know it
- If you do accidentally use the wrong name / pronouns, quickly apologise and use their correct name / pronouns, then move on
- Be an ally. If you hear your colleagues using the wrong name / pronouns, politely correct them
- Listen and learn. The best way to be a good ally is to listen and learn about Trans people’s experiences
Finally, never assume you know, it’s always best to ask if you’re unsure. Reach out to services such as The Brunswick Centre for support, further resources and to learn about our training offer.