
yOUTh Groups

Weekly LGBTQ+ yOUTh groups

You cannot attend unless you have met a member of staff first. This is to keep everyone safe. If you turn up without having met a member of staff first, you will be refused entry. The same applies if you bring a friend/relative/partner who is unknown to our youth workers. Have a look at the behaviour and conduct section below for more information.

Monday - Dewsbury:

  • 13 - 19 year olds, 4pm to 6pm

Tuesday - Halifax:

  • Mixed ages, 5pm to 7:15pm

Wednesday - Huddersfield:

  • Mixed ages, 4:30pm to 7:30pm

Behaviour and Conduct

Ground Rules

In order to keep all young people safe at our groups, young people have devised a list of ground rules and ask that those who attend the group adhere to them. Breaching these will result in you being asked to leave or being refused entry to the group. Breaches will be addressed individually with the young person.

Our rules are:

  • Don’t bring with you unknown (to the group and/or staff) young people;
  • Avoid offensive language;
  • Respect others' belongings and opinions;
  • Respect all group members and staff;
  • Smoke only in designated areas; and
  • Do not attend under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

As a young person, if you have safeguarding concerns, are made aware or are worried about another young person, you must let staff know so they can provide appropriate support. As a young person, you're not expected to provide safeguarding support to other young people. Safeguarding risks can be made worse if appropriate support isn't in place, so you'll be doing the right thing letting staff know.