

Chemsex is a common term used by gay or bisexual men on sexual networking sites and smartphone apps.

It is a specific form of drug use where men take certain drugs to facilitate and enhance their sexual experience.

Chemsex is defined by the use of three specific drugs (“chems”) in a sexual context.

These three drugs are mephedrone, methamphetamine and GHB/GBL.

While some people feel comfortable with their drug use, chemsex can become problematic due to increased risks of STI/HIV transmission, adverse mental health effects or drug dependency. Check out LGBT Hero - Safer Chems or David Stuart - Chemsex for more information.

Check out these links if you want support around drug and alcohol use or to access needle exchanges:

Calderdale Recovery Steps

Change Grow Live - CHART Kirklees

Also, check out the Safer Chems Facebook page for Calderdale and Kirklees. There is more local information on there, and you can private message us if you want any support or to ask any questions; it’s strictly confidential.

Free Slam Packs by Post

This is a strictly confidential service; packs are posted in plain and discreet packaging and we will not store or share your details. Just text ‘SLAM’ to 07874 643429 with an address where we can send them to.