'I've Tested for HIV, Have You' aims to raise awareness of HIV and promote HIV testing in local communities in Kirklees and Calderdale. This will help to reduce the number of people living with undiagnosed HIV and those who are diagnosed late.
Testing for HIV is quick and easy; all it takes is a finger prick test! Here's a video to show you just how it's done:
People can live with HIV for a long time without any symptoms. Around 1 in 20 people living with HIV are unaware they have it.
In 2020, 42% of people living with HIV in England were diagnosed late, this correlates to poorer long-term health outcomes.
HIV medication (antiretroviral treatment, or ART) works by reducing the amount of the virus in the blood to undetectable levels. This means the levels of HIV are so low that the virus cannot be passed on. This is called having an undetectable viral load or being undetectable.
Testing for HIV is good for all of us, most people get HIV from someone who doesn't know they have it. If we get to know our HIV status, the chances of this happening are reduced.
Early detection and treatment is highly effective in reducing the risk of onward transmission. People on effective treatment can't pass on HIV.
HIV Prevention Champions:
We are setting up a network of HIV Prevention champions who will be advocates within the community for reducing stigma, challenging myths, and raising awareness around HIV. Champions will be provided with training and information on future campaigns, with the opportunity to help us at key events and with special activities.
This network will be starting in the next few months and of you are interested in more information, simply email: info@thebrunswickcetre.org.uk
Sexual Health Clinics:
Princess Royal Community Health Centre, Greenhead Road, Huddersfield, HD1 4EW
Dewsbury Health Centre, Wellington Road, Dewsbury, WF13 1HN
Telephone number for both clinics: 0303 330 9981
Calderdale Integrated Sexual Health, Sexual Health Centre, 51 Northgate, Broad Street Plaza, Halifax, HX1 1UB. Telephone: 01422 261370
Other Areas:
If you want to access a sexual health clinic in a different area click on the link below for more information: